Attack on a military man in Dnipro: the police opened criminal proceedings

Attack on a military man in Dnipro: the police opened criminal proceedings

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 21 2024, 04:47 AM  •  23717 views

A former Kraken Special Forces soldier was attacked, illegally detained and slightly injured by unknown assailants in camouflage clothing and balaclavas in the center of Dnipro on June 20.

The police opened two criminal proceedings on the fact of the conflict in the center of Dnipro, the press service of the National Police of the Dnipropetrovsk region reports .


According to law enforcement officers, unknown persons in camouflage clothing and balaclavas inflicted injuries on a 33-year-old man and illegally detained him. The incident occurred on June 20 at about 13: 45 on PR. Yavornytskyi in Dnipro.

Later, a message appeared in Telegram stating that the attack was committed on a former soldier of the KRAKEN special forces.

"Taking into account the public publicity of the incident, we inform you that the man in civilian clothes who was injured as a result of the collision is a former serviceman of the KRAKEN special forces, "the report says.

On this fact, investigators of the Police Department No. 5 of the Dnipro rue opened two criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Article 125 (intentional light bodily injury) and 2 of Article 146 (illegal deprivation of liberty) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

reported to the police.

Now the police are conducting priority investigative measures to identify all persons involved in this incident.


On Thursday, June 20, the network distributed a video in which a group of men in the center of Dnipro attacked a Ukrainian soldier who was walking with a baby. Unknown people without identification marks in balaclavas snatched the child from the man's hands, handcuffed him and began to beat him.

The Special Forces of Gur Kraken confirmed that their former fighter was attacked in DniproJune 21 2024, 12:08 AM • 15014 views