Blinken proposed at the UN Security Council two steps that could put an end to Putin's war

Blinken proposed at the UN Security Council two steps that could put an end to Putin's war

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 25 2024, 05:39 AM  •  19679 views

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called on the UN Security Council to stop Iran and the DPRK from supporting Russia. He emphasized the need to seek a just peace based on UN principles to stop Putin's aggression.

The UN Security Council can put an end to Putin's war and strengthen international rules that guarantee international security if it immediately takes two interrelated steps - resolves the issue of support for Russia by countries that violate the UN Charter and supports the search for peace based on the basic principles of the UN. This was stated by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken during a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Ukraine, UNN reports with reference to the Voice of America.


First, according to Blinken, the Security Council member states must respond to Russia's growing cooperation with North Korea and Iran.

"Tehran and Pyongyang's support helps Putin cause slaughter, suffering, and destruction of innocent Ukrainian men, women, and children... demolish homes, grain silos, and ports... destroy power plants," the US Secretary of State said.

According to Blinken, Iran has been providing the Kremlin with armed drones since 2022, and it has also built a drone manufacturing plant in Russia.

"Just a few weeks ago, Iran handed over hundreds of short-range ballistic missiles to Russia. And Tehran has been training the Russian military in Iran on how to use these weapons," the Secretary of State said.

It also states that the DPRK has supplied Russia with trains of weapons and ammunition, including ballistic missiles and launchers, as well as millions of artillery shells.

Blinken reminded that these actions of Iran, North Korea and Russia violated numerous UN Security Council resolutions.

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In addition, in March, Russia used its veto power to terminate the work of the UN Panel of Experts on the DPRK, which had been monitoring the country's nuclear and ballistic missile programs for 14 years.

Also, according to him, Russian banks are helping North Korea avoid sanctions, "freeing up more funds for its illegal weapons programs.

"Some may ask how the United States or any other country that helps Ukraine defend itself can criticize countries for providing military support to Russia. There is a profound difference. russia is the aggressor. Ukraine is the victim. russia is fighting for conquest. Ukraine is fighting for survival. If countries stopped supporting russia, Putin's invasion would soon end. If countries stop supporting Ukraine, Ukraine may cease to exist," he explained.

That is why the second step mentioned by Blinken is to find a peaceful solution to conflicts.

"But in discharging its responsibilities, the Security Council "must act in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations". In other words, we must strive for a peace that upholds, not undermines, the basic principles of the United Nations. That is why all of us here have a responsibility to support Ukraine's call for a just and lasting peace to end Russia's aggressive war," he said.

According to him, a just and lasting peace should reaffirm the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence, preserve Ukraine's right to choose its own path, future and allies, and contribute to the reconstruction and restoration of the country.

All other options for peace plans that do not mention the UN Charter, the Secretary of State noted, would only reward Putin's aggression and allow him to rest, rearm, and invade Ukraine again.

"As history has taught us, peace without principles is a prologue to new conflicts, suffering and instability. So, for all nations that want to end this conflict - and do so in a way that is sustainable - the fastest way is simple. Stop those who facilitate and fuel Putin's aggression. Demand a just peace that upholds the principles of the UN Charter," Blinken urged.

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