Air quality in Ukraine is starting to improve - Ministry of Environment

Air quality in Ukraine is starting to improve - Ministry of Environment

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 23 2024, 01:56 PM  •  16896 views

The Minister of Environmental Protection has reported that the air quality in Ukraine has improved after the seasonal fires. In Kyiv, air quality has normalized, with low levels of pollution.

According to the latest data obtained at monitoring stations, the air quality in Ukraine is beginning to improve. This was stated by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Svitlana Hrynchuk during a telethon, a correspondent of UNN reports.

According to the latest data from the monitoring stations, the air quality is even good. The situation is improving, but we must understand that what is happening now has become a traditional, seasonal situation. When there is little rain in August and September, it leads to forest fires and peat bogs burn. It is very difficult to extinguish them

- Hrynchuk said.


As of 15:00, the air quality in Kyiv has normalized, with low levels of pollution.

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