Zelensky signed the law on the status of the English language in Ukraine

Zelensky signed the law on the status of the English language in Ukraine

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 26 2024, 01:10 PM  •  73332 views

Ukraine has adopted a law that gives English the official status of the language of International Communication, which requires knowledge of English for certain government positions, encourages learning English from preschool age and encourages the use of English in culture and business.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law "on the use of English in Ukraine", according to the parliament's website, UNN writes.

This law, as indicated, enters into force on the day of its publication, except for a number of provisions.


The document, as reported, provides for officially fixing the status of English as one of the languages of international communication in Ukraine. It also defines the categories of positions where candidates must necessarily know English.

According to the draft law, the state will promote the study of English by Ukrainian citizens. It is noted that the English language must be spoken by persons applying for positions:

  • civil service category "A";
  • civil service of categories " B "and" C", the list of which is established by the Cabinet of Ministers;
  • heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies;
  • military personnel of Officer, Non-Commissioned and senior personnel who perform military service under a contract, the list of which is established by the government;
  • police officers of the middle and higher composition of the National Police of Ukraine, positions of commanding staff of other law enforcement agencies, positions of commanding staff of the Civil Protection Service, the list of which is established by the Cabinet of ministers;
  • prosecutors;
  • in the tax and customs authorities;
  • managers, members of the executive body, members of the Supervisory Board (Board of directors) and other officials of state-owned enterprises, business entities, in the authorized capital of which more than 50% of shares (stakes) belong to the State;
  • heads of State scientific institutions;
  • heads of higher education institutions;
  • in the field of education and science.

However, the above rule will not apply to the military and police during martial law.

The requirements for the appropriate level of English proficiency by the above-mentioned persons, as well as a list of documents certifying the level of English proficiency, including international certificates, will be established by the Cabinet of ministers.

The requirements for the level of English proficiency are developed taking into account the scale of recommendations of the Council of Europe on language education.

The Organization of the exam to determine the level of English language proficiency will be carried out by the state service for the quality of education of Ukraine.

If the persons applying for the above positions have not passed the English proficiency test, they can re-pass it in the language an unlimited number of times, but no more than once every four months.

The document also provides for incentives for persons holding these positions. So, if a person speaks English at a level not lower than B2, then they will be given a supplement of 10% of the official salary.

Pre-school education institutions should provide mandatory English language learning for children of primary, middle and senior preschool age. The state will also contribute to the provision of training and advanced training of teachers and research and teaching staff who teach English, as well as promote the creation, introduction and dissemination of innovative digital resources for Learning English.

The state will also promote the use of English in the field of culture.

Official online representations and official websites of higher education and scientific institutions will also have to duplicate their information in English.

"The English-language version of the official internet representation (including the official website) must contain up-to-date and sufficient information on the content of educational programs and their personnel support, the main provisions on the organization of Educational, Scientific and/or artistic activities in the relevant institutions and institutions", it is said in the draft law.

The same rules will apply to information materials about cultural, artistic and entertainment events, information about museum objects, museum collections and museum collections, documents of the national archival fund displayed in state and municipal museums, archival institutions and exhibitions.

"Museums, along with audiovisual information about museum objects, museum collections and museum collections in the state language, ensure that information similar in content is available in English", - it is noted in the draft law.

Also, information in English should be placed in information and orientation signs about tourist resources of Ukraine, as well as in airports, sea and river ports, in vehicles carrying out international transportation, at railway stations, bus stations, information should be duplicated in English.

In addition, the names of healthcare facilities must be duplicated in English.

Financing of the study of English by Ukrainians will be carried out at the expense of the state budget.

Also, people's deputies supported the amendment, which provides for budget support for cinemas for showing English-language films. Such support should be developed and approved by the Cabinet of ministers.

However, such support will apply to cinemas where each hall must perform at least eight screenings of films in English during a calendar month. At the same time, at least two films must be made during the week at any time on a weekend and/ or with the start of screening after 18 hours on a business day.

The Cabinet of ministers must also approve the procedure for paying allowances to individuals for English language proficiency at least B2 in accordance with the Council of Europe recommendations scale for language education (CEFR).


At the end of June last year, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky proposed a new status for English in Ukraine as a language of International Communication and submitted a corresponding bill. Among other things, the bill provided that "foreign films whose original language is English are shown in film entertainment institutions in the original language with subtitles in the state language.

In mid-November, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the first reading a draft law on the official recognition of English as the language of international communication. The bill included a provision that provided for the screening of English-language films in cinemas in the original language with subtitles in Ukrainian. However, people's deputies excluded this norm.