There should be at least three regional offices, and the staff should include about 150 people: Reshetylova on the Office of the Military Ombudsman

There should be at least three regional offices, and the staff should include about 150 people: Reshetylova on the Office of the Military Ombudsman

Kyiv  •  UNN


Each law enforcement agency in Ukraine plans to establish a human rights unit. The military ombudsman's office will have a staff of 150 people and three territorial offices.

We assume that the Office of the military ombudsman should have at least three territorial departments, with a staff of about 150 people in total. This was announced by the Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Servicemen and Family Members of Soldiers Olha Reshetylova during a telethon, UNN reports.


First, Reshetylova revealed the details of the draft law on the military ombudsman and noted that the document stipulates that each agency, such as the SBU and the National Guard, should have a unit responsible for human rights.

"I am convinced, and we are writing about this in the draft law (on the military ombudsman - ed.), that each agency should also have a unit responsible for human rights. Just as the Ministry of Defense has now created a central department for the protection of servicemen's rights. Despite the fact that they are still understaffed, despite all the problems, they have shown their effectiveness. I am convinced that the National Guard, the State Border Guard Service, the Security Service of Ukraine, etc. should have similar units to enable them to solve their problems internally," Reshetylova said.

She explained that some of the complaints, some of the problematic issues will be addressed to such units.

If they are ineffective and inefficient, then the Office of the Military Ombudsman is involved. The most complicated and high-profile issues are the task of the Office. In addition, we envision that the Office should have at least three territorial departments, which will interact with military units on the ground, and possibly with local authorities to solve some problems with local law enforcement agencies. I think the staff should be about 150 people in total. I think this is a realistic number 

- Reshetylova said.


Reshetylova reportedthat the current task No. 1 is to adopt the draft law on the military ombudsman. According to her, the final version will be submitted to the President in the coming days.

On December 30, 2024, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi appointed the first military ombudsman, Olha Reshetylova. Currently, her official title is Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for the Protection of the Rights of Servicemen and Family Members of Servicemen.