The parliament adopted a bill to protect children from bullying not only at school

The parliament adopted a bill to protect children from bullying not only at school

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 6 2024, 10:41 AM  •  44920 views

The Verkhovna Rada has adopted a bill aimed at protecting children from bullying not only in schools, but also in other children's groups - institutions, recreation centers and sports schools.

The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the second reading the draft law on the protection of children from bullying not only in schools, but also in other children's groups - institutions, recreation, sports schools, etc. This is reported by UNN with Reference to people's deputy Alexey Goncharenko and the card of the draft law No. 6393-D.


The parliament adopted draft law No. 6393-D on preventing violence and preventing child abuse. Za-279

Goncharenko said.

According to the draft law, managers and employees of institutions (institutions) where children are located are required to create an environment free from child abuse.

In particular, the head of the institution: approves and ensures the publication of the regulations on preventing and countering child abuse in the institution (institution) and monitors its implementation;

considers oral and written statements (complaints) about cases of child abuse in the institution (institution) and, if such signs are detected, immediately notifies the authorized unit of the National Police of Ukraine and the service for children's Affairs; promotes the passage of the appropriate program for such persons by persons who have committed violence, witnessed it or suffered from it.

This rule will apply not only to educational institutions, but also to cultural institutions, Physical Culture and sports institutions in which children are in groups, because, as indicated in the explanatory note, children are subjected to bullying not only in educational institutions, but also in groups in other areas where children spend their time for different purposes — in the fields of Physical Culture and Sports, children's health and recreation, culture, etc.

Employees of institutions in case of detection of signs of ill-treatment of a child are obliged to: take urgent measures to stop the dangerous impact; if necessary, provide pre-medical care and, if necessary, call an emergency medical team and contact the National Police of Ukraine; notify the head of the institution and at least one of the parents or other legal representatives of a child who has committed ill-treatment of another child and/or a child who has suffered from it.

The document also establishes in the legislation the concept of "bullying" - psychological, physical, economic or sexual violence, that is, any intentional act (action or omission), including with the use of electronic communications, which is systematically committed by a person in relation to a child with whom they are members of the same collective, or a child in relation to another member of the same collective and which violates the rights, freedoms, legitimate interests of the victim and/or prevents him from fulfilling his duties defined by law.


The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets reacted to the bullying scandal in the capital's school, where a teenager was beaten to a testicular rupture.

The Ombudsman stressed that the responsibility for bullying lies not only with the person who committed it, but also with the person who hides such cases.