Strike of Polish carriers: Ukrainian consuls meet with protesters

Strike of Polish carriers: Ukrainian consuls meet with protesters

Kyiv  •  UNN

November 17 2023, 09:03 PM  •  1781 views

Ukrainian consuls visit blocked checkpoints on the Polish-Ukrainian border

Consuls of the Consulate General of Ukraine in Lublin visited the checkpoints "Rava-Ruska-Grebenne" and "Dorohusk Yagodyn" checkpoints, which are blocked by Polish carriers. This was reported on Facebook by Ambassador of Ukraine to Poland Vasyl Zvarych, reports UNN.

During the visits, meetings were held with representatives of local police, Ukrainian carriers, as well as Polish protesters. The consuls called on the Polish side to unblock the movement of freight traffic as soon as possible and provide everything necessary for Ukrainian drivers who

 Ukrainian Ambassador to Poland Vasyl Zvarych


He noted that as of today, Polish protesters have rejected protesters have rejected the developments of the delegations of Ukraine, Poland and the European Commission on to improve the movement of freight traffic across the Ukrainian-Polish state border, which is also the border between Ukraine and border, which is also the border between Ukraine and the EU.

According to Zvarych, the protesters continue to demand restoration of permits for international commercial cargo transportation between Ukraine and Poland and Poland, which is contrary to the bilateral agreement between Ukraine and the EU, which is legally binding on Ukraine and binding on Ukraine and all EU member states.

As a reminder

on November 6, Polish carriers started a protestnear the checkpoints on the border with Ukraine near the border checkpoints on the Polish-Ukrainian border.

They demand to return the need for Ukrainian transportation companies to obtain permits for their activities. They also want Polish carriers were not forced to stand in an electronic queue on the territory of Ukraine or insist on a separate queue for empty trucks.