Pentagon: it is necessary to monitor the possible sending of North Korean troops to Ukraine

Pentagon: it is necessary to monitor the possible sending of North Korean troops to Ukraine

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 26 2024, 02:54 AM  •  107214 views

The Pentagon considers it necessary to monitor any possibility of sending North Korean troops to Russia to participate in the war in Ukraine.

The US Department of Defense considers it necessary to monitor any possibility of sending North Korean troops to Russia to participate in the war in Ukraine as part of agreements between the leaders of the two countries during their last meeting in Pyongyang. This was stated on Tuesday by Pentagon spokesman General Patrick Ryder, reports UNN.


This is definitely something to watch out for

a Pentagon official said in response to a request to comment on the possibility of sending North Korean military personnel to the battlefield in Ukraine.

At the same time, he stressed that in the event of such a request, the military leadership of North Korea should consider whether it is worth spending its own forces as "cannon fodder" on the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

But, again, we will monitor this," Ryder said.

КНДР, ймовірно, невдало запустила балістичну ракету — YonhapJune 25 2024, 11:54 PM • 24761 view