October 13: No Bra Day, International Day of Losers

October 13: No Bra Day, International Day of Losers

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 13 2024, 03:03 AM  •  3631 views

Activists first came up with the initiative to hold a Day Without a Bra in the 70s of the last century. They believed that this accessory was a symbol of women's enslavement, which suppresses their dignity.

Today, on October 13, women in many countries of the world can join  the celebration of the Day without a bra, UNN reports.

Activists first came up with the initiative to hold a Day Without a Bra in the 70s of the last century. They believed that this accessory was a symbol of women's enslavement, which suppresses their dignity.

However, the meaning of this event has changed over the years. Since 2011, No Bra Day has been held to raise awareness of breast cancer and to remind women around the world that they should get regular breast cancer screenings.

That is why another event was created - the Day of Awareness of Metastatic Breast Cancer -  a severe form of cancer that has spread beyond the breast to other organs of the body, such as the lungs, bones, or liver.

According to statistics, about 30% of women who have survived early-stage breast cancer may relapse in the form of metastases even after successful treatment. Metastases can appear from several months to more than two decades after treatment.

Every year in the world, about 685 thousand women are registered with this particular form of cancer.

Another interesting holiday is the International Day of Losers on April 13.

The event has a special significance - it is dedicated to people who have often failed, but thanks to their perseverance and the support of their loved ones, they have succeeded.

Among the biggest "losers" is Stephen King, who threw the manuscript of his first novel, Carrie, into the trash. His wife retrieved these pages and forced her husband to finish the novel, which immediately made King the "King of Horror.

In Ukraine, the second Sunday of each month is the Day of the Artist and the Day of Trade Unions.

Since 1989, the International Day for Disaster Reduction has been celebrated on October 13 at the initiative of the UN General Assembly.

The purpose of today's event  is to inform the public about measures that can prevent natural disasters and minimize their consequences.

According to statistics, about 250 million people on our planet suffer from natural disasters every year. On average, 184 people become victims of natural disasters every day.

October 13 is also World Thrombosis Day

Thrombosis is an abnormal clotting of blood in blood vessels. Blood clots interfere with the normal flow of blood through veins and arteries. This leads to severe consequences - from severe pain to death due to the blockage of blood supply to vital organs.

According to the church calendar, today is the day of remembrance of the martyrs Carpus, Papa, and Agathonica, who lived in the third century.

Karp was a bishop, Papyl was a deacon, and Agathonika was a devout Christian and Papyl's sister.

During the persecution of Christians, all three were captured by order of the ruler. They wanted to force them to deny Christ by brutal torture.

According to legend, Papyla had the gift of healing. He was brought to a blind man who could not be healed by pagan priests. Papyla said a prayer and the man received his sight.

This finally angered the ruler, who ordered the execution of Karp, Papyla, and Agathonika.

Karp, Alexander, Alexei, Leonid, Matvey, Semyon, Seraphim, Alexandra, and Apollinaria celebrate their name days today.