Dry weather in most of Ukraine and up to 30°: today's forecast
Kyiv • UNN
No precipitation is expected throughout Ukraine on June 18, with the exception of short-term rain and thunderstorms in the eastern regions during the day; temperatures at night will range from 13-18°C to 25-30°C during the day.
No precipitation is expected throughout Ukraine on June 18, except for short-term rain and thunderstorms in the eastern regions, with temperatures ranging from 13°C at night to 30°C during the day, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN.
According to weather forecasters, there will be no precipitation today, with short-term rain and thunderstorms in the eastern regions only in the afternoon.
The wind is mostly northwest, 5-10 m/s.
The temperature is 13-18° at night and 25-30° during the day.
In Kyiv region
No precipitation. Temperatures at night will be 13-18°, during the day 25-30°; in Kyiv at night 15-17°, during the day 26-28°.