a russian cruise missile violated Polish airspace for 39 seconds

a russian cruise missile violated Polish airspace for 39 seconds

Kyiv  •  UNN

March 24 2024, 06:04 AM  •  51148 views

This morning, a russian cruise missile violated Polish airspace for 39 seconds near the town of Ocerdow, forcing Poland to intensify security procedures and mobilize its air force.

Today at 4:23 am, a russian cruise missile violated Polish airspace.

This is reported by the Operational Command of the Armed Forces of Poland, UNN reports .


Today, March 24, at 4:23 a.m., a violation of Polish airspace was recorded by a cruise missile launched by russian aviation.

The object entered Polish space near the town of Ocerdow (Lublin Voivodeship) and stayed there for 39 seconds, during which it was observed by military radars.


According to the information, all the necessary procedures to ensure the safety of Polish airspace were activated overnight, including the mobilization of Polish and allied aviation.

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