SBU sniper sets world record:  destroyed an occupier from 3.8 km

SBU sniper sets world record: destroyed an occupier from 3.8 km

Kyiv  •  UNN

November 18 2023, 08:45 PM  •  4357 views

An SBU sniper has set a new world record by killing a Russian soldier from a distance of 3.8 kilometers. The previous record was 3,540 meters, and the SBU sniper was shooting with a Ukrainian rifle "Volodar Obriyu"

A sniper of the Security Service of Ukraine destroyed an orc from a distance of 3.8 kilometers. This is a new world record, reports UNN with reference to the SBU press service. 


The SBU sniper set a world record for a successful shot. He hit a Russian soldier from an incredible distance of 3800 meters. The previous record was 3540 meters. 

It is noteworthy that the SBU special forces officer made this shot with a Ukrainian rifle "Volodar Obriyu". 

The video clearly shows the orc being hit and the fright of the invaders standing nearby. 

"SBU snipers are changing the rules of world sniping, demonstrating the ability to work effectively at fantastic distances," the report says.