March 22: World Water Day, International Day of Idleness

March 22: World Water Day, International Day of Idleness

Kyiv  •  UNN

March 22 2024, 04:17 AM  •  44517 views

On World Water Day, March 22, events are held to raise awareness of the rational use of water resources and the reduction of fresh water reserves on Earth, initiated by the UN in 1992.

Today, on March 22, everyone who cares about the fate of our planet is joining various events on the occasion of World Water Day, UNN reports.

The event, dedicated to the rational use of water resources and the problem of dwindling freshwater reserves on Earth, was launched at the initiative of the United Nations in 1992.

All living animals and plants are made up of water: animals and fish - 75%, jellyfish - 99%, potatoes - 76%, apples - 85%, tomatoes - 90%, cucumbers - 95%, watermelons - 96%.

An adult's body is 55-60% water. If a person loses 2% of his or her body weight in water, he or she becomes very thirsty. If the percentage of water lost increases to 10 percent, the person will experience hallucinations. With a loss of 12%, a person will not be able to recover without the help of a doctor. With a loss of 20%, a person dies.

Filtration as a means of obtaining clean drinking water began to be used on a large scale in the 17th and 18th centuries. For this purpose, a system of several sand filters was used, through which water was passed in turn.

In 1804,  the world's first municipal water treatment plant was built in the Scottish city of Paisley. Since then, water treatment systems have been installed in other cities and countries. In the mid-nineteenth century, a decrease in cholera mortality was noted in London after the city's water was made mandatory to be filtered.

During the twentieth century, the world's population increased 4 times, and the population in cities increased 13 times. The volume of industry and the consumption of various types of energy increased several dozen times. Accordingly, air, soil  and water pollution with chemicals and radioactive substances has increased. 80% of all wastewater on Earth returns to the ecosystem without treatment.

Scientists predict that by 2025, 35% of the world's population in 48 countries will experience a shortage of drinking water.

On March 22, you can also join the International Day of Idleness. The unusual holiday was founded in 1976 by a 10-year-old American girl, Monica Dufour, from Michigan. Local media made the girl famous, so the holiday became popular first in the United States and then in many countries around the world.

There are many ways to celebrate the International Day of Idleness: just do nothing, organize a movie session, or throw a loud party. There are many ways, the main thing is to completely distract yourself from all the everyday activities.

Since 1982, on March 22, environmentalists and animal rights activists have held various events to mark International Seal Day.

Due to climate change, overfishing, water pollution, and hunting for seals for their fur and meat, the seal population on the planet is gradually declining.

At the moment, the seal population in the world fluctuates between 400-500 thousand individuals.

Taxi drivers still celebrate their professional holiday today. The event was launched on the occasion of the first passenger transportation crews equipped with taximeters appearing on the streets of London on March 22, 1907.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Martyr Basil of Ankyr, who lived in the fourth century under the Emperor Julian the Apostate.

Then the persecution of Christians intensified again.

One day Vasyl was captured and tortured for a long time and severely. A piece of his skin was cut off, but even after that he did not renounce his faith in the Lord. By order of the furious emperor, Vasyl was executed.

Vasyl and Daryna celebrate their name days on March 22.