Kosovo accuses 45 Serbs of terrorist attack that killed a police officer

Kosovo accuses 45 Serbs of terrorist attack that killed a police officer

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 11 2024, 02:06 PM  •  5369 views

Kosovo's Special Prosecutor's Office has indicted 45 people for the terrorist attack in Banska in September 2023. Among the accused is former Serbian List official Milan Radojicic, who is believed to be the organizer of the attack.

The Special Prosecutor's Office in Pristina today filed charges against 45 people in connection with an attack on police in Banska almost a year ago. The defendants are accused of terrorism

Writes UNN with reference to TV company N1.

The Special Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo announced today that it has indicted 45 people for a terrorist attack in the northern Kosovo city of Banska.

A group of people led by the former deputy chairman of the largest Kosovo Serb party, Serbian Lista, Milan Radojicic, attacked the Kosovo police on September 24, 2023, killing police officer Afrim Bunjaku.


In June 2024, the Kosovo police reported that 48 terrorists had been identified, criminal charges were brought against 45 people, and local and international warrants were issued.


The indictment also implicates the leader of the Serb group, Milan Radojicic. The then high-ranking official of the Serbian List, the Belgrade-loyal leading party of Kosovo Serbs, claimed full responsibility for the attack after the attack.

Radojčić was allegedly in Belgrade after the attack, where he is also reportedly under investigation, but without any results so far.



Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti has made the continuation of the dialogue on normalizing relations with Serbia contingent on the extradition of Milan Radoicic to the Kosovo judiciary.

As long as Radojicic and his group are free and under Serbian protection, there is no credibility to the dialogue on normalizing relations

- said Kurti in late June.

The Serbian leadership has repeatedly denied any involvement in the Banska attack.


The EU has criticized the plans of Serbian Deputy Prime Minister to meet with Putin.

UNN also reported that Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani called for urgent action, not just talk, to help Ukraineas the war threatens the whole of Europe and Kosovo is ready to provide military and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.