International Day of the Tropics, World No Kill Day, St. Peter and Paul's Day. What else can be celebrated on June 29
Kyiv • UNN
Today, on June 29, environmentalists and wildlife enthusiasts in many countries can join various events to mark the International Day of the Tropics, which covers 40% of the Earth's surface and is home to 80% of the world's plants and animals.
Today, on June 29, environmentalists and wildlife lovers in many countries can join various events on the occasion of the International Day of the Tropics, UNN writes.
The tropics cover 40% of the Earth's surface and are home to 80% of the world's plants and animals.
The tropical zone is home to more than 800 million people, and about 20% of them do not have adequate access to drinking water, and a third live without electricity. Overall, about 70% of the global infrastructure deficit is in the tropics.
Today, animal rights activists are joining the World Day Against the Abandonment of Pets.
The event was initiated by a number of non-governmental organizations, whose representatives concluded that it is in the summer months that a large number of pets become homeless.
Among all European countries, France has the worst situation with abandoned animals. Every year, more than 100,000 pets end up on the streets here, and 60,000 of them are abandoned in the summer months.
The purpose of today's event is to encourage people to treat their pets more responsibly, and for the authorities to take measures to increase liability for people who get rid of pets.
The last Saturday of June is International Ragweed Day. The event is dedicated to raising awareness of the danger this plant poses to people and the environment.
Scientists claim that the health problems caused by ragweed are underestimated and have proven that the rapid spread of the plant can lead to an increase in the number of people prone to allergies. In Europe, there are 20% of people with this chronic disease.
If no measures are taken to eradicate the plant, the concentration of its pollen in Europe will quadruple by 2050.
Today is also the Day of Industrial Design.
The most important thing in industrial design is the multifunctionality of objects created for mass production. These can be household items, transportation, interior items. Industrial design can be different. Group A includes vehicle development projects, and Group B includes items that can be useful in everyday life.
Scleroderma is a dangerous autoimmune disease that affects the circulatory system, skin, muscles and bones, and internal organs. The disease can be recognized by symptoms such as vascular spasms that occur during stress. At this time, the extremities of the hands become pale in color, and later the skin turns red.
Scleroderma is dangerous because lung damage (which accounts for about 35% of all cases) significantly increases the risk of death within the next 5 years.
Currently, the prevalence of the disease in the world is about 20 people for every 100 thousand.
According to the New Julian church calendar, today is the Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
Peter was one of Jesus' most loyal disciples. But just as Jesus had predicted during the last supper after his arrest, Peter denied his master three times. However, he sincerely repented of his unworthy behavior.
Peter witnessed the Ascension and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. Peter traveled and preached a lot. He performed miracles and healed people.
When Peter arrived in Rome, he was captured and sentenced to death. Peter believed that he had never atoned for his sin of betraying Jesus, so he asked to be crucified from the top of his head down.
Paul became an apostle after Jesus' death. Before his baptism, his name was Saul, and he was a Roman soldier who took part in the persecution of Christians.
Once, when Saul was on his way to Damascus, a bright light appeared in the sky, blinding him, and he heard a voice from heaven.
The amazed man in Damascus joined the Christians. He was baptized and immediately saw the light. After that, he began to preach the teachings of Jesus and convert people to the Christian faith.
A year after Peter's death, Paul was also arrested and executed.
The Day of Saints Peter and Paul has always been preceded by the Petrine Lent, which begins a week after the Trinity.
However, this year, due to the late celebration of Easter and the shift in the date of the Day of Peter and Paul according to the New Julian calendar, there is no Peter's Fast.
Peter and Paul celebrate their name days on May 29.