February 15: World Hippo Day, Love Reset Day
Kyiv • UNN
Today, February 15, animal rights activists and all wildlife lovers can join the celebration of World Hippo Day. Currently, the hippo population in the wild does not exceed 130 thousand individuals.
Today, February 15, animal rights activists and all wildlife lovers can join the celebration of World Hippo Day, UNN reports.
Hippos are the third largest land mammals after elephants and rhinos. The weight of a hippo can exceed 3.5 tons. Currently, hippos are found in central and southern Africa.
Hippos live in rivers, lakes, and swamps. These animals spend up to 16 hours a day in the water.
Hippos are herbivores, but there have been numerous cases of hippos attacking herds of cows and antelopes and eating the meat of dead animals. Hippo attacks often lead to human deaths in Africa.
Due to human activity and poaching in the nineteenth century, the hippo population began to decline. In 2006, the hippo was listed in the Red Data Book as a vulnerable species. Currently, the hippo population in the wild does not exceed 130 thousand individuals. Compared to the end of the twentieth century, it has decreased by 30%.
The day after Valentine's Day, you can join the Love Reset Day, founded by writer Carla Lynn Hall.
The goal of the event is to encourage people to reflect on their romantic relationships and take steps towards creating more fulfilling connections.
Today Ukraine celebrates the Day of Honoring Participants in Combat Operations on the Territory of Other States and the Day of Esports.
Since 2015, the International Anthropologist's Day has been celebrated.
Anthropology is a science that studies the bodily nature of man, his origins and further development, and is closely related to the social sciences, as well as the science of human origin and evolution, the formation of human races, and normal variations in human physical structure.
The study of the biological nature and origin of humans, their physical features that have arisen as a result of development in different geographical conditions, helps to better understand the modern world.
Today you can also join the World Computer Day.
It was on February 15, 1946, that the world's first electronic programmable computer, ENIAC, was launched in the United States, developed for the needs of the army.
Also today, events are being held to mark World Cholangiocarcinoma Day and International Angelman Syndrome Day.
Cholangiocarcinoma is a destructive form of cancer that affects the bile ducts.
Angelman syndrome is a genetic disease that affects the nervous system and leads to severe physical and intellectual disabilities.
According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of St. Onesimus, the Apostle from the 70th century.
Onesimus was a slave, but he escaped from his master. During his escape, Onesimus met the apostle Paul. Under the influence of his preaching, he was baptized.
After the death of Jesus, Onesimus traveled a lot and preached Christianity. He was a bishop in Ephesus.
The Vilna Icon of the Mother of God, also called the Icon of the Mother of God with the Crescent Moon, is also honored today.
According to legend, the icon was created by the evangelist Luke. The original icon was lost.
On February 15, Onysym, Arsen, and Yefrosynia celebrate their name days.