Biden says Trump's second term would mean a return to "chaos, division and darkness"

Biden says Trump's second term would mean a return to "chaos, division and darkness"

Kyiv  •  UNN

March 6 2024, 06:48 AM  •  36552 views

Biden warns that a Trump victory would mean a return to "chaos, division, and darkness" and jeopardize the progress made by his administration.

US President Joe Biden has issued a sharp warning that a second term for Donald Trump would mean a return to "chaos, division and darkness," UNN reports, citing CNN. 

"Four years ago, I ran because of the existential threat that Donald Trump posed to the America we all believe in," Biden said. 

He noted the progress his administration has made on jobs, inflation, prescription drug prices, and gun control.

Biden then warned that if Trump returned to the White House, the progress made by his administration would be jeopardized.

"(Trump) is motivated by resentment and self-interest, he is focused on his own revenge and retribution, not on the American people," Biden said.

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