Winnie the Pooh Day, Women's Healthy Weight Day

Winnie the Pooh Day, Women's Healthy Weight Day

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 18 2024, 04:29 AM  •  23766 views

It was on January 18, 1882, that the creator of Winnie the Pooh, writer Alan Alexander Milne, was born. The first Winnie the Pooh stories were published in 1926.

Today, on January 18, fans of the series of stories about the adventures of the fairy teddy bear celebrate Winnie the Pooh Day in many countries, UNN reports.

It was on January 18, 1882, that the creator of Winnie the Pooh, writer Alan Alexander Milne, was born.

The first Winnie the Pooh stories were published in 1926.

This fairy-tale character got his name from the writer's son's favorite toy, a teddy bear. It was the boy's friendship with Winnie the Pooh bear that led to the creation of works about the adventures of Winnie the Pooh, which have been translated into 25 languages and published in tens of millions of copies. By the way, the story of Winnie the Pooh made it to the prestigious New York Times bestseller list.

The third Thursday of January, which this year falls on January 18, is Women's Healthy Weight Day.

The event is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle for women. It emphasizes the importance of a balanced approach to weight management, focusing on physical, mental and social health.

Women often mistakenly equate thinness with health. However, a healthy weight is not about thinness, but about maintaining a natural weight for your body type, taking into account your height and other factors. It is important to understand that a healthy lifestyle includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and effective stress management.

January 18 is also the Day of the Ideographic Dictionary (Thesaurus). If an alphabetical dictionary serves to find out something about a given word, an ideographic dictionary serves to find out something about a given meaning, for example, what words can be used to express this meaning.

It was on January 18, 1779, that the British physician and lexicographer Peter Mark Roget was born.

In 1852, he published the first modern dictionary of synonyms, in which they were organized by semantic categories. The dictionary contained about 15 thousand words.

According to the church calendar, today is the day of remembrance of the saints, Archbishops Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria.

Athanasius fought against heretics in an implacable way. For this, he was often slandered and expelled from Alexandria several times.

As archbishop, Cyril succeeded in expelling heretics from Alexandria, and built a Christian church on the site of a pagan temple.

On January 18, Athanasius, Kirill, Dmitry, Marko, Alexei, Oksana, and Maria celebrate their name days.