“Servant of the People” party will meet today to discuss new ministerial candidates - MP

“Servant of the People” party will meet today to discuss new ministerial candidates - MP

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 4 2024, 07:49 AM  •  51156 views

The Servant of the People faction will meet to discuss new ministerial candidates. Six ministers and the head of the State Property Fund are expected to be dismissed at today's session of the Verkhovna Rada.

Today, September 4, MPs from the Servant of the People faction will meet  to discuss new candidates for ministers to replace those who are to be dismissed, MP Oleksiy Honcharenko said, reports UNN

I'm talking about the ministerial fallout. Today there will be a meeting of the Servant of the People faction. They will discuss new candidates for ministerial posts

- Goncharenko wrote on Telegram. 

Later, Nadezhda added that the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine state that a minister who resigns is obliged to submit a report on the work done.

This report is first reviewed by the relevant committee and then heard at the plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada.

However, as Goncharenko pointed out, most of the ministers did not come.

Earlier UNN reported that six ministers and the head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine are expected to be dismissed at today's session of the Verkhovna Rada. Currently, the relevant committees are meeting to approve the dismissal of officials.

Today's agenda is as follows:

  • dismissal of the head of the SPFU, Vitaliy Koval;
  • dismissal of Iryna Vereshchuk from the post of Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories;
  • Olga Stefanishyna's dismissal from the post of Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine;
  • dismissal of Ruslan Strilets from the post of Minister of Environmental Protection;
  • dismissal of Denys Maliuska from the post of Minister of Justice;
  • dismissal of Dmytro Kuleba from the post of Foreign Minister;
  • dismissal of Oleksandr Kamyshyn as Minister for Strategic Industries.