High heat up to 37° and thunderstorms in some places: weather forecast for today
Kyiv • UNN
Hot weather is expected in Ukraine without precipitation, except in the western regions. Temperatures will reach 35-37° during the day in most areas, 15-20° at night. In Kyiv and the region, it will be hot up to 35-37°.
Hot weather without precipitation is expected in Ukraine today, except for the western regions. Temperatures will reach 35-37° in most areas during the day, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN.
According to weather forecasters, August 21 will be without precipitation, with only short-term rain and thunderstorms in most western regions during the day.
The wind is mostly southeast, 3-8 m/s.
Temperatures at night are 15-20°, up to 23° on the seaside; during the day in the western regions 29-34°, in the rest of the country 35-37°.
In Kyiv region
No precipitation. Southeast wind, 3-8 m/s. Temperatures at night 15-20°, during the day 35-37°; in Kyiv 18-20° at night, during the day 35°.