Another camp for Russian prisoners of war is being set up on the basis of a penal colony

Another camp for Russian prisoners of war is being set up on the basis of a penal colony

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 24 2024, 02:40 PM  •  25803 views

A decommissioned penal colony in Mohyliv-Podilskyi is being converted into a camp for Russian prisoners of war, as existing camps in Ukraine are reportedly overcrowded. The new camp is expected to receive weekly visits from international organizations. It is noted that the Russian prisoners of war could potentially be used for exchange for Ukrainian prisoners held in Russia.

The Mogilev-Podolsk correctional colony was decommissioned in order to prepare it for the reception of Russian prisoners of war, as there is a shortage of places in the existing camps.

This is reported by UNN, citing a comment to KIEV24 from the executive director of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union Oleksandr Pavlichenko.

We are talking about setting up a second camp. Currently, all prisoners of war are held in one military camp in the Lviv region. But it is already full - there are no more reserves or places. The next camp, "Zakhid", is designed for 300 or more people, with a capacity that cannot be accommodated in this first camp, because cruel conditions will be created for these prisoners of war

- Pavlichenko said.

According to the head of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, the former penal colony #114 (Mohyliv-Podilskyi), which was decommissioned to prepare for the reception of Russian prisoners of war, is currently being prepared for the Zakhid-2 camp.

We need to invest some money there and, accordingly, let's assume that there will be weekly visits from all international structures, including the OSCE, the UN, and the International Red Cross, all of whom will go there and observe how it is being controlled. And proper conditions must be provided there. These are not luxurious conditions

- Pavlichenko noted.

He also added that it should not be forgotten that this is a place of detention, and that it is important to prepare for more Russian prisoners of war who can be exchanged for Ukrainian prisoners of war.


Russian prisoners of war who are not wounded and are not undergoing treatmentare working in a prisoner of war camp. This was reported by the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denys Malyuska in an interview with Ukrainian Radio.

У ГУР підтвердили, що сьогодні готувався обмін між росією та Україною - ЗМІJanuary 24 2024, 12:15 PM • 29491 view