Under the new law, more than 25 thousand prisoners will be able to be mobilized, but top corrupt officials and former officials will not be able to use it - Shulyak
Kyiv • UNN
Top corrupt officials, high-ranking officials convicted of crimes, collaborators, murderers, and those convicted of sexual violence will not be mobilized into the Armed Forces of Ukraine even after the draft law on the mobilization of convicts comes into force.
Top corrupt officials and high-ranking officials convicted of various crimes will not be able to be mobilized into the Armed Forces of Ukraine even after the draft law on the mobilization of convicts comes into force. Olena Shulyak, MP, head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning, told about how convicts will be mobilized and who will not be able to be drafted during a single marathon, UNN correspondent reports.
Shulyak reminded that the draft law makes it possible to mobilize more than 25 thousand convicts.
People who have committed crimes against the country's security, collaborators, murderers, and those convicted of sexual violence will not be able to serve. Also, top corrupt officials and those who held a particularly responsible position at the time of the crime, such as MPs, the Prime Minister, assistants, advisors, etc. will not be mobilized
She described the mechanism of mobilization of convicts. To begin with, if a prisoner agrees to serve and writes a corresponding application, an initial medical examination will be conducted. Then the consent must be given by the commander of the military unit, who will assess the person's intentions, after which the convict undergoes a military qualification commission and the documents are sent to the court, which must issue a ruling. Then, with the help of the National Guard, the person is transported to the MCC, where he signs a contract and joins a special unit in the military unit.
There may be separate military units, but they will start with specialized units. The convicts will be under the special supervision of the commander of the military unit, they will be on a special register
According to her, the draft law was initiated not only by MPs, but also by the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Justice and the General Staff, and military unit commanders are waiting for the law on the mobilization of prisoners.
Every provision of the project was discussed with the military, as we are addressing their need to increase the number of people
On May 8, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted draft law No. 11079-1, which approves the rules for mobilizing certain categories of prisoners into the ranks of the Defense Forces. Now it must be signed by the Speaker of Parliament and the President.