The perpetrators of the attempted murder of a Kazakh journalist in Kiev were informed of suspicion and put on the international wanted list

The perpetrators of the attempted murder of a Kazakh journalist in Kiev were informed of suspicion and put on the international wanted list

Kyiv  •  UNN


Two foreigners, aged 33 and 36, were notified of suspicion and put on the international wanted list for the attempted premeditated murder of Kazakh journalist Aidos Sadykov in Kiev on June 18.

Two foreigners involved in the attempted murder of Kazakh opposition politician and blogger Aidos Sadykov on June 18 were informed of suspicion. Now they are  on the international wanted list.  this was reported on Friday by the press service of the Kiev police, reports UNN


As reported, law enforcement officers managed to establish that two foreigners, 33 and 36 years old, were involved in the attack.

Investigators of the Investigative Department of the Kiev police under the procedural leadership of the Kiev City Prosecutor's office announced suspicion in absentia to the defendants under Part 2 of Article 15, paragraphs 11, 12 of Part 2 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - in a completed attempted premeditated murder,  committed by order and by prior agreement of a group of persons.

The suspects have been put on the international wanted list and measures are being taken to detain them. For committing a particularly serious crime, men face life imprisonment.


On June 20, the Prosecutor General's office published a notice of suspicion of attempting to assassinate Kazakh opposition politician and blogger Aidos Sadykov Altai Zhakanbayev (born in 1988) and Meiram Karatayev (born in 1991).


On June 18, the Metropolitan Police received information that in the Shevchenko district, an unknown person shot a journalist - a citizen of Kazakhstan-in the head when he and his wife were in a car near the house where he lives. As a result of the gunshot wound received, 55-year-old Sadykov was hospitalized in a medical facility in serious condition. Now he is in intensive care.