Mind invites you to the largest investment conference in 2024 - Mind Invest Summit

Mind invites you to the largest investment conference in 2024 - Mind Invest Summit

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 12 2024, 03:55 PM • 116391 views

Mind Invest Summit is the platform for starting work in Ukraine, choosing a direction, finding a partner or receiving funding. We gather sectors, projects, analysis – everything you need to start doing business in Ukraine

An independent journalist business portal Mind invites you to the most influential investment conference of 2024 - Mind Invest Summit. These are two days to find out where investors should invest in Ukraine, how entrepreneurs can attract money from domestic and international institutional investors, and consider the received information to the sounds of jazz, UNN informs.

!!! Information and analytical B2B portal Mind invites you to Lviv!!!

After all, it is here, in the five-star hotel complex Emily Resort, that the Mind Invest Summit will take place in a closed format - a two-day event for businesses that believe in the future of Ukraine. Two days of communication with almost 1,000 like-minded people - heads of regulatory bodies, "angel" and institutional venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and startups. In addition, there will be an exhibition of technological teams and two unforgettable jazz evenings with Oleksiy Kogan and Nino Katamadze.

"Mind Invest Summit is the platform for starting work in Ukraine, choosing a direction, finding a partner or receiving funding. We gather sectors, projects, analysis – everything you need to start doing business in Ukraine", - Yevhen Shpytko, editor-in-chief of Mind.ua

Mind Invest Summit is two days with three interesting and useful events for the price of one:

  • Investment business conference: two days of profile, professional presentations and discussions, industry presentations and question-and-answer sessions, pitches of technological teams - with a special focus on deftech projects;
  • Technological exhibition UA ​​Tech Show: an exhibition that will bring together the leading technological companies of Ukraine, which will present their latest products and inventions to visitors. The task is simple - to look for and find partners, investors or customers;
  • Jazz Weekend: a jazz music program with the participation of young performers and famous stars. On two evenings, Oleksiy Kogan with his Jazz in Kyiv Band and Nino Katamadze will play for the guests and participants of the Mind Invest Summit.

Speakers and moderators of the Investment Business Conference will be the most famous Ukrainian officials, businessmen and startups, regulators and celebrities. In particular:

  • from volunteers: Serhiy Prytula, volunteer, public figure, Ukrainian volunteer, founder of Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation, and Kateryna Zagoriy, co-founder of the Zagoriy Foundation social projects bureau and director of the board of directors of the Darnytsia pharmaceutical company;
  • from the regulators: Mykhailo Podolyak, Ukrainian politician, political strategist, journalist, crisis manager, and advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine,  Ruslan Magomedov, Chairman of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission of Ukraine, Oleksiy Sobolev, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, and Vitaly Koval, Chairman of the State Property Fund;
  • from big business: Serhiy Kovalenko (YASNO), Ivan Kompan (Deloitte Academy), Serhiy Martynchuk (Cisco Ukraine), Mykhailo Bubnov (Schneider Electric Ukraine), Mykhailo Polyakov (Philip Morris Ukraine), Ashot Abrahamyan (Lviv Bank), Rostyslav Vovk ("Kormotekh");
  • from the IT industry: Mariia Shevchuk, director of the IT Ukraine Association, Stepan Veselovskyi, CEO of the Lviv IT Cluster, Vitaly Sedler, CEO and co-founder of Intellias, Taras Kytsmey, co-founder and member of the Board of Directors of SoftServe;

For whom summit?

Those who invest, work, fight or contribute to the needs of the Armed Forces, volunteer for the military, veterans and civilians, and most importantly - who bring the news about Ukraine, its business opportunities and business talents to the world.

Leave an application for a ticket using via the link.

Mind Invest Summit partners:

Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association

American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine

International Investment Office


Event website: https://investsummit.mind.ua/

Link to tickets: https://investsummit.mind.ua/#tickets

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events