December 1: World AIDS Day, in Ukraine - Day of Prosecutors

December 1: World AIDS Day, in Ukraine - Day of Prosecutors

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 1 2023, 04:17 AM  •  39484 views

Since 1988, on the initiative of the WHO, December 1 has been marked as World AIDS Day, a disease that has since claimed the lives of more than 30 million people around the world.

Today, on December 1, many countries are holding various events to mark World AIDS Day. The event was established by the World Health Organization in 1988, according to UNN.

In the 70s of the last century, in some countries of the world, patients with patients with strange symptoms of certain infectious and oncological diseases began to visit doctors in some countries. infectious and oncological diseases. All of them occurred against a background of severe depletion of the immune system, which led to the death of patients.

In 1982, a new disease was named the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. And the following year, French doctor Luc Montagnier managed to identify the virus that leads to AIDS, it was called the human human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Due to the rapid spread of the disease, AIDS began to be called the plague of the twentieth century.

Thanks to the preventive work through which people were informed information on the ways of infection, the invention of drugs that slowed down the development of the disease, the situation with of the disease, the situation with AIDS in the world has been significantly stabilized.

According to statistics, since the beginning of the epidemic, about 76 million people in the world about 76 million people have become infected with HIV/AIDS. Almost 30 million people on the planet have died from AIDS-related diseases.

In Ukraine, the first six people with HIV/AIDS were were recorded in 1987.

Currently, there are about 260 million people living with HIV in Ukraine. people are HIV-positive. More than 50 thousand people have died of AIDS-related diseases in Ukraine.

Since 2000, Ukraine has celebrated the Day of Day of Prosecutors has been celebrated in Ukraine since 2000. The event was established by a presidential decree in honor of of the fact that it was on December 1, 1991, that the Law on the Public Prosecutor's Office Law on the Public Prosecutor's Office came into force.

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian aggression, the the key task of the prosecutor's office of Ukraine was to record and document war crimes of the Russian Federation.

At the moment, more than 100 thousand criminal proceedings have been opened.

The first of December is also the unofficial Day of the neurologist - 

a doctor who specializes in diseases related to the the nervous system. These include neuralgia, stroke, epilepsy, etc.

Neurology as an independent medical discipline emerged in the the second half of the nineteenth century. Before that, neurology was considered part of psychiatry and pediatrics.

Since 2010, Antarctica Day has been celebrated on December 1. It was on this day in 1959 that 20 countries signed a treaty in Washington, D.C., that preventing the militarization of the continent and leaving it open for scientific research.

Ukraine also joined this document and has its own Antarctic station "Akademik Vernadsky", which is located on Cape Marina of Galindez Island, 7 kilometers from the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. It operates continuously and is a meteorological and geophysical observatory.

Until 1996, the station belonged to the United Kingdom and was was called Faraday. The UK transferred it to Ukraine for a symbolic fee of one pound sterling.

According to the church calendar, today is the day of remembrance of one of the 12 prophets of the Old Testament, Nahum, who lived in Israel in the eighth and seventh centuries BC.

Nahum predicted that the famous Assyrian city of Nineveh would be destroyed by a flood.

Name days are celebrated on December 1 by Naum, Dmitry, and Anastasia.