Boards with Poroshenko's advertising-speculation on the Armed Forces of Ukraine-military

Boards with Poroshenko's advertising-speculation on the Armed Forces of Ukraine-military

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 21 2024, 02:33 PM  •  98789 views

Alexey "Stalker" notes that it is the Poroshenko Charitable Foundation, whose advertising is placed on boards, that now has questions about fraud on military bonds.

Thousands of big boards worth millions of hryvnias advertising the Poroshenko foundation across the country are inappropriate PR of the leader of European solidarity and speculation on the Armed Forces of Ukraine. About it writes Ukrainian military Alexey "Stalker", reports UNN.

"Big boards with political advertising of Poroshenko have captured the whole country. On them, he promotes himself and his foundation, showing how much he helps the army. Hundreds of boards in Kiev alone, but why such a large number, the elections have already begun? The budget of this PR campaign is millions of hryvnias, it is very strange why other large funds do not do this? Maybe they don't know something or don't understand how to promote themselves on the help of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in order to win the elections.", the military writes.

Alexey "Stalker" notes that it is the Poroshenko Charitable Foundation, whose advertising is placed on boards, that now has questions about fraud on military bonds.

"The most surprising thing is that [Poroshenko – Ed.]  advertises his fund for millions of hryvnias, and on the other hand calls for donates to be dumped into this fund, and the fund itself had questions about fraud on military bonds for 50 million hryvnias," the military notes.

According to the" stalker", Poroshenko's PR on the Armed Forces of Ukraine looks cynical.

"It's really hard for me to understand why the leader of Eurosolidarnost should spend millions on advertising himself, if everyone already remembers that he and his godfather Svinarchuk normally earned money in the defense industry, even Medvedchuk had to give up the pipe so that he would not be sad without money. It looks so cynical that on the one hand, you have been robbing the country for 20 years in various positions, and now you go with dozens of cameras to show what a "volunteer" you are," the defender notes.

According to him, assistance to the front can be provided without a PR campaign and speculation on the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"It is clear that Poroshenko already dreams of elections, but he is promoting the army, so that later he can come again and rob this army — it's ridiculous. Try to just buy drones without ads and cameras, as other large funds do, and we will try to believe that you are doing it without political gain," the military sums up.

As reported, Petro Poroshenko invested UAH 156 million in war bonds through his bank, earning UAH 50 million in non-taxable profit.