Another fan of "Russian liberation" exposed in Kharkiv region

Another fan of "Russian liberation" exposed in Kharkiv region

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 12 2024, 06:19 PM  •  31160 views

A woman in Verkhnya Pysarivka, Kharkiv region, was found to be a collaborator and facilitator of the Russian occupation and charged under Ukrainian law.

In the village of Verkhnya Pysarivka, Kharkiv region, law enforcement officers exposed a collaborator who told people about what awaits the occupation of Ukraine. The traitor was reported to the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, UNN reports.

According to the investigation, a resident of the village of Verkhnya Pysarivka, Chuhuiv district, turned out to be an active fan of the "Russian liberation". The woman called on her fellow villagers to support the actions of the aggressor state. She did not hide her position among the locals. The collaborator said that she dreamed of the Russian Federation capturing not only the Kharkiv region, but the whole of Ukraine.

- said the prosecutor's office.


Law enforcement officers exposed the woman. Her case is now being handled by the Vovchansk Department of the Chuhuiv District Prosecutor's Office in Kharkiv Oblast. She was served a notice of suspicion. The 48-year-old woman is charged with collaboration (Part 1 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).


Under current law, collaboration is punishable by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of ten to fifteen years.

Agitated and assisted russian looters: collaborator gets 10 years in prison for cooperation with russia in Kharkiv regionJanuary 12 2024, 03:22 PM • 23501 view