The Baltic States announced the date of disconnection from the Russian energy system and synchronization with the EU
Kyiv • UNN
On February 8, 2025, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will disconnect from the Russian IPS/UPS power grid. The next day, the Baltic states are synchronized with the continental European energy system with the support of the CEF Foundation.
On February 8, 2025, the Baltic states ' power systems will disconnect from the IPS/UPS connection and begin joint testing of their power systems in the energy island mode. Synchronization with the frequency of continental Europe will take place on February 9. This is reported by the Company Elering, reports UNN.
"Currently, the power systems of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania operate in the IPS/UPS system, in which the frequency is controlled by Russia. Synchronization with the continental European power system will allow them to independently control the frequency in the system and increase their energy security.",
On July 16, Electric Power Systems of the Baltic states officially notified the operators of electric power systems of Russia and Belarus about the withdrawal from the BRELL agreement (Energy ring Belarus - Russia - Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania), on the basis of which Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been part of a single synchronous zone controlled by Russia since Soviet times.
The operator of the National Electricity and Natural Gas Transmission System, Elering, said that synchronization will improve communication between transmission systems and electricity markets in the European Union, which will allow the Baltic states ' electric power systems to operate on the basis of uniform and transparent European rules.
Synchronization will be supported by the Connecting Europe Foundation (CEF) in the amount of about 1.2 billion euros, which will cover up to 75% of the total cost of a large project.
Operators of electricity transmission systems in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in 2023 decided to disconnect from the Russian-controlled system and simultaneously connect to the continental European network. The relevant agreement was signed on August 2. However, the exact date was announced only on November 29 of this year.