Syrsky: “The front is my life”

Syrsky: “The front is my life”

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 6 2024, 02:19 AM  •  20085 views

General Oleksandr Syrsky told CNN about his regular visits to the front line to support the military. He emphasized the importance of personal contact with soldiers and thanked Western allies for their support of Ukraine.

In an interview with CNN, General Oleksandr Syrsky said that he regularly visits the frontline to support his military and better understand their problems. According to him, personal contact with soldiers, brigade and battalion commanders helps him to be aware of the real situation at the front, UNN reports


“We speak the same language... We understand each other, no matter who I am talking to - an ordinary soldier, a rifleman, a brigade or battalion commander,” said Syrsky.

He added that he has been involved in the war since 2014, when Russia invaded Donbas, and therefore understands all the difficulties faced by the Ukrainian military.

Concluding the interview, Syrsky thanked Ukraine's Western allies for their support: “Together we are stronger. Together we can win.” 

Сирський про недостатню підготовку новобранців: "Фронт вимагає негайної мобілізації"September 6 2024, 01:08 AM • 17564 views