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The Cabinet of Ministers increased the amount of educational subvention to local budgets to over UAH 1 billion

The Cabinet of Ministers increased the amount of educational subvention to local budgets to over UAH 1 billion

Kyiv • UNN


The government reduced funding for three educational programs totaling over UAH 430 million. Instead, the educational subvention to local budgets was increased to UAH 1.02 billion.

The Cabinet of Ministers has reduced spending on some educational programs and increased the amount of educational subventions to local budgets to over UAH 1 billion.

This was announced by the representative of the government in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk in Telegram, UNN reports.


Amendments were made to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1324-r dated 26.12.2024 “On the redistribution of certain state budget expenditures envisaged for the Ministry of Education and Science for 2024, the distribution of the reserve of educational subventions from the state budget to local budgets in 2024. The redistribution of expenditures within the total amount of budget allocations provided for the Ministry of Education and Science for 2024 in the general fund of the state budget in terms of subventions was adjusted

- Melnychuk said.

It is noted that the amount of development expenditures under the program “Subvention from the state budget to local budgets to ensure quality, modern and affordable general secondary education ‘New Ukrainian School’ has been reduced by UAH 113 million 783.1 thousand.

The amount of development expenditures under the program “Subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the arrangement of safe conditions in institutions providing general secondary education” was reduced by UAH 130 million 579.5 thousand.

The amount of development expenditures under the program “Subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the purchase of equipment, creation and modernization (reconstruction and overhaul) of canteens (catering units) of general secondary education institutions” was reduced by UAH 189 million 954.6 thousand.

The amount of development expenditures under the program “Educational subvention from the state budget to local budgets” is set at UAH 1 billion 20 million 378.5 thousand in order to increase the reserve of this subvention

- Melnychuk emphasized.


The Cabinet of Ministers is improving the mechanism for calculating subventions for educational projects through the DREAM system. Priority will be given to military institutions and schools with more than 200 students. 

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