Preservation of rare plants and animals: the first protection zone for Red Data Book objects is created in Donetsk region

Preservation of rare plants and animals: the first protection zone for Red Data Book objects is created in Donetsk region

Kyiv  •  UNN


The first protected area for the conservation of rare plants and animals listed in the Red Book of Ukraine was established in Donetsk Oblast, covering 143,142 hectares of chalk steppe.

A protection zone has been created in the Kramatorsk district of Donetsk region to preserve the objects of the Red Book of Ukraine, which covers an area of 143,142 hectares and includes the chalk steppes, which are represented in this area and occupy only 0.2% of Ukraine's territory.

This is reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the Kramatorsk City Council.


By order of the head of the regional state administration and the head of the regional military administration, the first Protection Zone for the preservation of objects of the Red Book of Ukraine was created in Donetsk region and its Passport was approved.

It is reported that the area of the Conservation Area covers an area of 143,142 ha: it is located on the northeastern outskirts of Kramatorsk on the right slope of the Bilenka River valley in close proximity to the northern boundaries of Bilenke village in Kramatorsk district and is fully included in the boundaries of the Kramatorsk Regional Landscape Park (KRP).

As a result of field surveys conducted by the staff of the research department of the Kramatorskii RLP, 18 plant species were identified (Chalky fescue Festuca cretacea, Taliev's keleria Koeleria talievii, Don thunderbird Onosma tanaitica, Fragrant levkoy Matthiola fragrans and others) and 14 animal species (Steppe dybka Saga pedo, Earth crusader Dorcadion equestre, Damone's bluebird Polyommatus damone, Satyr briseis Chazara briseis, Giant scolia Megascolia maculata and others) listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine.


It is emphasized that at least 11 species (Cretaceous broomstick Silene creacea, Cretaceous licorice Hedysarum creacea, Cretaceous hyssop Hyssopus creacea, Cretaceous helmetwort Scutellaria creticola and others) belong to the relict cretophilic flora.


It is also important to note that the chalk steppes represented in the protected area occupy only 0.2% of the territory of Ukraine , are extremely rare and require special protection.


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