Polar explorers show how whales jump in Antarctica

Polar explorers show how whales jump in Antarctica

Kyiv  •  UNN


Polar researchers from the National Antarctic Science Center have recorded a young humpback whale jumping out of the water in Antarctica, a behavior known as breaching that helps whales get rid of parasites and communicate.

Whales often emerge from the water, but it is not so common for people to see this action, polar explorers from the National Antarctic Research Center recorded this spectacle, UNN reports .


As the scientists explained, in the video, a young humpback whale emerges from the water - it is considered one of the most jumpy representatives of the suborder of whisker whales.

According to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), whales jumping over water is one of the twenty actions inherent in these animals.

In English, this is called a breaching whale, or a whale breaking out of the water. It can jump out completely (when more than half of the animal's body appears above the surface) or partially. There are also different types of rotations during jumps - clockwise, counterclockwise, or no rotation at all, when the whale falls on its back or side

explain scientists from the Akademik Vernadsky station.

Scientists suggest that this behavior has several explanations.

First of all, whales strive to get rid of parasites that live on their skin in large numbers, reduce irritation from them and "scratch" themselves on the water.

The second version is that jumping is a way of communication. Since the sound of a jump can be heard quite far away, it can be used as a signal.

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