2.7 m/s
57 %
760 mm
Overcast, no precipitation is expected for the next 2 hours
Mostly without rain and up to 30°C: weather forecast for today

Mostly without rain and up to 30°C: weather forecast for today

Kyiv • UNN


On July 31, Ukraine will be mostly without precipitation, with short-term rains possible only in the northeast and east. The temperature at night will be 8-19°, during the day 22-30°, northwest wind 7-12 m/s.

Today in Ukraine it is mostly without precipitation, only in the northeast and east there may be short-term rains. The temperature during the day is 22-30°. This was reported to UNN by the Ukrainian Weather Center.


According to weather forecasters, July 31 will be without precipitation, with only short-term rain in the northeast and east of the country during the day.

Northwest wind, 7-12 m/s.

Temperatures are 11-16° at night, 8-13° in the western regions, 22-27° during the day; in the south of the country, 14-19° at night, 25-30° during the day.

In Kyiv region

No precipitation. Temperature at night 11-16°, during the day 22-27°; in Kyiv at night 13-15°, during the day about 25°.

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