
The US is preparing to sell 50 F-15 fighters to Israel

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Representatives of the US Congress supported the sale of 50 F-15 fighter jets to Israel worth more than $18 billion, despite previous concerns about Israel's war in Gaza.

The U.S. Congress has supported the sale of dozens of F-15 fighter jets to Israel, bringing the deal worth about $18 billion one step closer. UNN writes with reference to the Washington Post.


Two key Democratic Party representatives in the House and Senate have signed off on a major arms sale to Israel, including 50 F-15 fighter jets worth more than $18 billion. For several months, Congressman Gregory Meeks and Senator Ben Cardin had been blocking the arms sales because of Israel's war in Gaza. But under pressure from the Biden administration, they signed the deal.

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Gregory Meeks told The Washington Post that he has been in "close contact" with the White House about the package. The congressman "has repeatedly urged the administration to continue to push Israel to make significant and concrete improvements on all fronts when it comes to humanitarian efforts and limiting civilian casualties.

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He emphasized that the F-15s would be delivered "in years to come" and said he continued to support Israel's right to defend itself against threats from Iran and Hezbollah.


The payment for these weapons has been going on for many years and is largely funded by American taxpayers. Washington annually provides Israel with more than $3.3 billion in aid.

Mirage 2000 - сучасні та ефективні літаки, але F-16 для України наразі є пріоритетним типом, - Євлаш07.06.24, 14:59


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