
Incident on the border with Russia: Stoltenberg talks to Estonian Prime Minister

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NATO said it stood in solidarity with Estonia against any threat to its sovereignty after Russia dismantled Estonian border buoys, which led to tensions between the two countries.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke with Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas about the incident on the river border with Russia. UNN writes about it with reference to Stoltenberg's statement on his page in X.


The NATO Secretary General emphasized that the Alliance stands by Estonia against any threat to their sovereignty.

I spoke with Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. NATO stands in solidarity with our ally Estonia against any threat to their sovereignty

- Stoltenberg said in his post. 

Франція та Німеччина занепокоєні провокаціями рф у Балтійському регіоні24.05.24, 15:49


Russia dismantled more than 20 Estonian border buoys in Estonian waters, prompting Estonia to demand an explanation and their return, leading to an escalation of tensions between the two countries.


Earlier, the Russian media, citing government documents, said that Russia is seeking to unilaterally change the country's maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea.    

However, later, after the West's reaction, Russia decided to remove this document from the portal of draft regulations. 

Литва, Латвія і Фінляндія відреагували на заяви щодо ймовірної зміни кордонів рф у Балтійському морі22.05.24, 13:52


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