Ukrainians began to carry money more actively to banks: deposits for the month increased by almost 6 billion hryvnia

Ukrainians began to carry money more actively to banks: deposits for the month increased by almost 6 billion hryvnia

Kyiv  •  UNN


The total amount of deposits of individuals in Ukrainian banks reached UAH 1,331.6 billion as of November 1. Since the beginning of the year, the growth of deposits amounted to UAH 96.8 billion, of which UAH 58.7 billion is real growth.

The total amount of deposits of individuals in Ukrainian banks in October increased by UAH 5.9 billion and as of November 1 amounted to UAH 1,331.6 billion. This is reported by the deposit guarantee fund of individuals, reports UNN.

"As of November 1, 2024, the total amount of deposits of individuals (including individual entrepreneurs) in Ukrainian banks amounted to UAH 1,331.6 billion, which is UAH 5.9 billion more than the same indicator as of October 1. Since the beginning of 2024, the total increase in Citizens ' deposits has amounted to UAH 96.8 billion, of which UAH 58.7 billion is real growth (excluding revaluation of the hryvnia equivalent of foreign currency deposits)," the report says.

It is noted that the share of sole proprietors in the structure of depositors as of November 1, 2024 was 3.2%, and in the structure of the amount of deposits – 11.1%. The total amount of their deposits amounted to UAH 147.7 billion.

Of the total amount of deposits of individuals, UAH 854.9 billion is stored in the national currency and UAH 476.7 billion in foreign currency at the beginning of November.


Starting from November 20, The National Bank will update the rules of currency transactions to support international trade and technical assistance. The changes will affect import contracts, repatriation of dividends and the use of foreign currency loans.