The police revealed the main cause of fatal road accidents in Ukraine

The police revealed the main cause of fatal road accidents in Ukraine

Kyiv  •  UNN


40% of all accidents with victims occur due to speeding. In the first 10 months of 2024, 2,541 people were killed and 26,959 injured in accidents.

In Ukraine, almost 40% of all road accidents with victims occur due to speeding. This was announced by the first deputy head of the patrol Police Department Alexey Beloshitsky on the air of the telethon, reports UNN.

This is the first and main cause of accidents with victims and dead. Almost 40% of all accidents with victims occur precisely because of speeding. Speed kills

Beloshitsky said.

Biloshytsky reminded that starting from November 1, the speed limit of up to 50 km/h will be set on the roads of all cities of Ukraine.

In fact, the issue of 50 km/h is not an infrastructure issue, it is a matter of regulatory regulation. At the moment, we have 50 km/h in the city and this is the rule. Simply, according to the norms of the current legislation, it provides for fining drivers, that is, bringing them to justice for offenses if they exceed the speed limit of more than 20 km/h. Therefore, many drivers believe that if they exceed the speed limit of 50 km/h, and, for example, move 60 km/h, then this is not a violation, but it is a violation. It's just that our Code provides for liability only from the beginning of more than 20 km / h

Beloshitsky said.

According to him, in this case, Ukraine has a set limit of 50 km/h, as in Europe.

"It's just that our tolerance of the law is 20 km/h higher than in Europe," Biloshitsky added.


In the first 10 months of 2024 , 21,562 road accidentsoccurred, killing 2,541 people and injuring 26,959. Compared to last year, the number of such accidents increased by 8-9%.

On November 15, it was reported that 308 cameras were installed in Ukraine, which have already recorded 3.7 million violations of the speed limit of cars. In the future, the system will start automatically recording red light traffic and public transport traffic.