"The perpetrators will be caught": Polish Interior Minister makes a statement on the spoilage of Ukrainian grain

"The perpetrators will be caught": Polish Interior Minister makes a statement on the spoilage of Ukrainian grain

Kyiv  •  UNN


Poland's Interior Minister emphasized that the police will respond and detain anyone caught dumping grain from vehicles following recent cases of Ukrainian grain spoilage in Poland.

Polish Interior Minister Marcin Kierwinski emphasized that it is unacceptable to spill grain from transport and assured that the police respond in every such case, and the perpetrators will be detained. He made this statement on Polish Radio after several cases of spoilage of Ukrainian grain in Poland, UNN reports.

If the protests are peaceful, they can take place. It is unacceptable to throw grain out of the transport. In every such case, the police will respond, and the perpetrators will be caught

- said the Polish Interior Minister, probably referring to the recent incidents with Ukrainian grain dumped in Poland.

"This is a crime, and the Polish police and the government of Donald Tusk will not allow such anarchization of public life," Kerwinski emphasized.

Kierwinski also said that the farmers' protest in Warsaw on Tuesday, February 27, was peaceful. He emphasized that the police responded promptly to all incidents.

"There are many different photos on the Internet. Some people ask why someone allows this. The police actually responded to individual incidents, recorded the data of these people, and in some cases there will also be specific reports to the prosecutor's office. But this protest was very calm and its peaceful course was a merit not only of the police, but also of the responsible organizers," said Kerwinsky.


Polish farmers who protested in Warsaw on February 27 are reportedly satisfied with the talks they held, particularly at the Prime Minister's Office. They ended their demonstration there. At the Prime Minister's Office, they met with its head, Jan Grabec. According to them, they received a proposal that certain compromises would be reached by March 7, but no specific details were given.


Minister of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov reported four cases of vandalism on the Polish railroad with damage to Ukrainian grain and other agricultural products.