Enemy attacked Kyiv region with drones at night: no casualties, damaged high-rise building

Enemy attacked Kyiv region with drones at night: no casualties, damaged high-rise building

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 3 2024, 05:45 AM  •  21156 views

Russian troops attacked Kyiv region with attack drones at night on September 3. No casualties were reported, but a high-rise building was damaged and forest litter fires broke out in two districts.

On the night of September 3, the Russian army attacked Kyiv region with attack drones, with no hits or casualties. The falling debris caused a forest litter fire in two districts of the region, and a high-rise building was slightly damaged. This was reported by the head of the RMA Ruslan Kravchenko, according to UNN.  

Last night, the enemy attacked the region again using attack drones. Air defense forces were working in the region. There are targets downed. We are grateful to our military for their reliable protection! There were no hits to residential or critical infrastructure. There were no casualties

- Kravchenko wrote on Facebook.

According to him, as a result of the falling wreckage of downed enemy targets, forest litter caught fire in two areas.

One of the residential high-rise buildings has minor damage to the roof. 

At present, the operational groups continue to record the consequences of the enemy attack.

Над Україною вночі збили 27 з 35 "шахедів", 6 - втрачено, два - полетіли до рф та окупованої ДонеччиниSeptember 3 2024, 05:19 AM • 20873 views