March 2: CD Day, International Cat Rescue Day

March 2: CD Day, International Cat Rescue Day

Kyiv  •  UNN


Today, March 2, marks the Day of the CD, an event in honor of one of the greatest inventions in human history. The first prototypes of CDs were presented in Europe and Japan in 1979. A year later, Philips and Sony joined forces to start working on CDs for the general public.

Today, March 2, marks the Day of the CD, an event in honor of one of the best inventions in human history, UNN reports .

The first prototype CDs were introduced in Europe and Japan in 1979. A year later, Philips and Sony joined forces to start working on CDs for the general public.

The result of fruitful cooperation between the two companies was the first CD, which was presented on March 2, 1982.

Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was played as an example of how the disk works. The first CDs were 12 centimeters in diameter and could only play audio.

Since then, CDs have become indispensable media for music, movies, computer programs, and games.

The late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries were the heyday and simultaneous decline of CDs.

In the 25 years since the first working CD was introduced, more than 200 billion units of such media have been sold worldwide.

Also on March 2, animal rights activists and people who care join the celebration of the International Cat Rescue Day.

Various events on this day are held to  to emphasize the importance of providing loving homes and owners for cats in need and to encourage people to adopt cats instead of buying them.

A shelter for rescued cats not only saves their lives, but also helps to reduce the number of cats in shelters and prevent the spread of stray animals.

Since 2010, many countries around the world have celebrated the International Open Data Day.

Ukraine officially joined the celebration of the International Open Data Day in 2015.

It was then that, for the first time in the history of our country, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued a resolution obliging the public to open about 900 sets of information from various fields of activity.

After that, the so-called Open Data Portal was created. In this regard, Ukraine has become one of the three leading countries actively working towards openness.

Events are still taking place today to mark World Adolescent Mental Health Day.

The goal of the event is to  raise awareness of mental well-being among teenagers and overcome self-doubt through meditation, dance, music, sports, etc. It also encourages teenagers to communicate with each other on social media and demonstrate their own way of overcoming psychological discomfort.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of St. Theodotus of Cyrene, who lived in Cyprus in the third and fourth centuries.

Theodotus was a priest, preacher, and theologian. On the orders of the local pagan ruler, he was captured and tortured for a long time and severely.

He was released only by order of the Roman Emperor Constantine. Theodotus became bishop of Cyprus, but died two years later.

On March 2, Fedir, Mykola, and Arsen celebrate their name days.