
Cameron: International partners are not helping Ukraine enough

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On the sidelines of the UN headquarters, David Cameron, the British Foreign Secretary, answered questions from a Voice of America correspondent. The British official believes that the partners have not done enough to respond to the challenge of Russian aggression - even though the West has been united in rhetoric, Ukraine does not have enough weapons and needs funding.

This was reported by UNN with reference to the Voice of America.


Cameron emphasized that the problem of an aggressive dictator is the most important challenge facing the world.

When asked whether the partners have done everything they can to respond to Russian aggression, the British Foreign Secretary replied:

No, we haven't done enough.

- he said .

Cameron, however, noted that the event was unified in rhetoric.

 You saw how the European Union reacted in 2014. In 2022, the countries were completely united, and almost completely united.

- said the British Foreign Secretary.

The British diplomat mentioned the expansion of NATO, which was joined by Sweden and Finland, and drew attention to Germany, which began to provide weapons to Ukraine.

До України прибув прем'єр Болгарії Денков26.02.24, 09:33

But, according to the official, positive changes are not enough, as Ukraine does not have enough shells; Ukraine also needs more funding, weapons, and support from the United States.

 We have to be true to what we said, we say we support Ukraine, we believe in Ukrainians. Then we must prove it with weapons, money, diplomatic, military and moral support. 

- said Cameron.


The UK government will provide Ukraine with 280 million euros for procurement and supply chain for the production of much-needed artillery ammunition.

Європейські лідери збираються в Парижі на саміт щодо України, але оголошень про нові поставки зброї не очікується - Politico26.02.24, 09:19


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