Zelensky presented the Victory Plan to the Rada: main points

Zelensky presented the Victory Plan to the Rada: main points

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 16 2024, 10:05 AM  •  41647 views

The President of Ukraine unveiled a 5-point Victory Plan with 3 secret annexes. The plan includes geopolitical, military, economic and security aspects to end the war and ensure security.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy will present a five-point Victory Plan to the Verkhovna Rada. The list was published by the Office of the President, UNN reports.


According to the head of state, the plan consists of five points and three secret appendices.

The first point is geopolitical.

Items two and three – military.

Point Four is economic.

Point five of the Victory Plan is security.

The points are timed. The first four are for the time of the war to end it. The fifth point is for the time after the war to guarantee security.

The first is an invitation to join NATO.

"We are a democratic nation that has proven that we can defend the Euro-Atlantic and our common way of life - other democratic nations.

For decades, Russia has exploited geopolitical uncertainty in Europe, namely the fact that Ukraine is not a member of NATO. This is what tempted Russia to encroach on our security. Now the fact of inviting Ukraine to join NATO can become truly fundamental for peace.

We understand that NATO membership is a matter of the future, not the present.

But Putin must see that his geopolitical calculations are losing out.

The Russians should feel it - that their tsar lost geopolitically.

I thank all our partners who support that the invitation for Ukraine to join NATO now with membership later strengthens everyone.

Invitation - is a strong decision that requires nothing but determination.

And today, the invitation symbolizes much more than just NATO.

Determination on the issue of NATO for Ukraine also means the inevitability of European integration for Ukraine and no alternative to democracy in Ukraine.

That is why this is the initial point of the Victory Plan. A testament to determination. An unconditional invitation now.

This is the certainty of how the partners actually see Ukraine's place in the security architecture.

I ask all of you to work for the determination of our partners to recognize Ukraine as equal to others in the European security architecture," Presiden said.

The second point is defense.

"This is an irreversible strengthening of the Ukrainian defense against the aggressor.

It is realistic to defend our positions on the battlefield in Ukraine and at the same time return the war to the territory of Russia, so that Russians Really Feel What war is, and despite Russian propaganda, they begin to turn hatred towards the Kremlin.

We are not naive. Ukraine does not believe and will not believe that the majority of Russians will realize the depth of Russia's moral decline.

But they must feel the fall of the Russian army.

And this will be a loss to their ideology of war.

There is a clear list of weapons that can support such a force of our soldiers. And thanks to the Kursk operation, we saw that Putin does not have enough strength to hold on when we press really hard.

Therefore, the key to implementing this second point of the Victory Plan is:

  • successful continuation of operations of the defense and security forces of Ukraine in certain areas of enemy territory in order to prevent buffer zones on our land;
  • irreversible strengthening of the positions of the Defense and Security Forces of Ukraine and destruction of Russia's offensive potential in the occupied territory of Ukraine;
  • assistance of partners in recruiting Reserve brigades for the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
  • bringing Ukraine'S air defense to a level sufficient to protect our cities and villages from Russian missiles and drones, and joint defensive operations with our neighbors in Europe to shoot down Russian missiles and drones within the access of the partners ' Air shield.;
  • expanding operations using our Ukrainian missiles and drones, as well as investing in expanding their production in Ukraine;
  • lifting by our partners of restrictions on the use of long-range weapons on the entire territory of Ukraine occupied by Russia and on Russian territory - on military infrastructure - and providing Ukraine with appropriate long-range missiles, drones, and other means of destruction;
  • providing Ukraine with real-time satellite data and data obtained by other means of intelligence.

For each of the sub-items of the defense item of the Victory Plan, Ukraine provides partners with a clear justification of what exactly our goals are, how we achieve them, and how much this will reduce Russia's ability to continue the war.

The defense point of the plan has a secret application, and it is those partners who have the appropriate military assistance potential who have access to it," Presiden said.

The third point of the Plan is deterrence.

"There is also a secret app for it. It has already been awarded to the leaders of the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany.

There will also be some other states that can fill this very well-known world concept of deterrence with meaning for Ukraine.

The Russian leadership acts aggressively only when it is convinced that it will not receive an adequate destructive response.

When Russia knows that there will be an answer and understands what that answer will be, they choose negotiations and stable coexistence even with strategic adversaries.

Thanks to this, deterring Russia from aggression is also possible against Ukraine and the whole of Europe.

Ukraine proposes to place on its land a comprehensive non-nuclear strategic deterrent package that will be sufficient to protect Ukraine from any military threat from Russia and which will narrow the variability of Russia's actions to the following prospects: either join a fair diplomatic process for a fair end to the war, or guaranteed to lose the opportunity to continue the aggressive war as a result of Ukraine's use of the provided deterrent package in accordance with certain military goals.

That is, the containment package is the fact that Russia is either going into diplomacy, or going... to the loss of its war machine.

Peace through strength.

This works equally well on both sides of the Atlantic. And this point can be ensured, in particular, by funding within the framework of already concluded security agreements with partners and certain amounts of financial support," Presiden said.

The Fourth is strategic economic potential.

"Ukraine is home to natural resources, including critical metals worth trillions of dollars. These include uranium, titanium, lithium, graphite, and other strategically valuable resources that will strengthen either Russia and its allies or Ukraine and the democratic world in global competition.

Deposits of critical resources in Ukraine, together with Ukraine's globally important potential in energy and food production , are among Russia's key aggressive goals in the war.

And this is our opportunity for growth.

Economic growth of Ukraine. The economic strengthening of the European Union for the sake of Europe's economic and, in many ways, security autonomy. And this is an opportunity for the United States and our partners in the G7 to work with Ukraine, an ally that can provide a return on investment.

The economic point of our strategy has a secret appendix that is shared only with certain partners.

Ukraine invites the United States, together with certain partners, in particular the European Union, of which Ukraine will be a part, and with other partners in the world, to conclude a special agreement on the joint protection of critical resources available in Ukraine, joint investment and the use of appropriate economic potential.

It is also peace through power. Economic power.

This agreement will organically complement and strengthen the existing system of economic pressure on Russia, namely, all existing sanctions against Russia, restrictions on oil prices, restrictions on exports to Russia and other pressure measures.

Russian accomplices in the world should see that this regime has no economic future," Presiden said.

And the fifth item is intended for the post-war period.

After this war, Ukraine will have one of the most experienced and large military contingents. These are people- our soldiers who will have real experience of Modern Warfare, successful experience in the use of Western weapons and versatile experience in interaction with the NATO military.

This Ukrainian experience should be used to strengthen the Alliance's defense and ensure security in Europe.

This is a worthy mission for our heroes.

If the partners agree, we provide for the replacement of certain military contingents of the US armed forces stationed in Europe with Ukrainian units. After the war.

Ukrainians have proven that they can be a force that Russian evil cannot overcome.

And I am grateful to every partner – everyone with whom we discussed this prospect for the post – war period-I am grateful for the respect for Ukrainians and our ability to be irresistible in alliance with our partners," Presiden said.