

News by theme

Ukrainian electronic warfare system adapts to counter russian missile attacks - ISW

Ukraine's electronic warfare system has effectively countered russian missiles, which indicates that Ukraine's defense capabilities have been strengthened, ISW reports.

War • January 14 2024, 03:59 PM  •  37091 views
Ukrainian electronic warfare system adapts to counter russian missile attacks - ISW

Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminate enemy lieutenant colonel during attack on airfield in Saki

Ukrainian forces strike a russian command post in Saki, Crimea, killing a russian lieutenant colonel.

War • January 14 2024, 03:37 PM  •  39580 views
Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminate enemy lieutenant colonel during attack on airfield in Saki

Game room in Cosmopolitan shopping center set on fire by 7-year-old boy - police statement

Kyiv police report that a 7-year-old boy deliberately set fire to a playroom in a shopping center. His parents are testifying, and the criminal investigation is ongoing.

Kyiv • January 14 2024, 03:22 PM  •  53708 views
Game room in Cosmopolitan shopping center set on fire by 7-year-old boy - police statement

King Frederick X of Denmark succeeds to the throne in place of his mother, who has retired

Frederick X became King of Denmark after Queen Margrethe II abdicated. Thousands of people witnessed the historic moment in Copenhagen.

News of the World • January 14 2024, 02:55 PM  •  36266 views
King Frederick X of Denmark succeeds to the throne in place of his mother, who has retired

Ukrainians who suffered from russian crimes speak in Davos - Kostin

Ukrainian victims of war crimes committed by russian slaughterhouses spoke about them at a security meeting, calling for the punishment of russian criminals.

War • January 14 2024, 02:35 PM  •  39216 views
Ukrainians who suffered from russian crimes speak in Davos - Kostin

Ukraine starts negotiations on security guarantees with Romania

In Davos, the Ukrainian side, with the participation of the head of the Presidential Administration Andriy Yermak, began bilateral talks with Romanian Foreign Ministry Secretary of State Iulian Fotu on concluding a bilateral security agreement.

Politics • January 14 2024, 02:15 PM  •  38968 views
Ukraine starts negotiations on security guarantees with Romania

A petition to transfer St. Nicholas Church in Kyiv to the Catholic community has gained 25,000 signatures and will now be considered by the Cabinet of Ministers

A petition to transfer St. Nicholas Church in Kyiv to the Roman Catholic Church has received 25,000 votes, and now the government must consider this issue.

Society • January 14 2024, 02:10 PM  •  52403 views
A petition to transfer St. Nicholas Church in Kyiv to the Catholic community has gained 25,000 signatures and will now be considered by the Cabinet of Ministers

russia brings medical teams from karelia to temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia - National Resistance

Medical teams from karelia are working in the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia. The Ukrainian resistance movement has received lists of all medical teams that arrived in Ukraine from russia.

War • January 14 2024, 01:46 PM  •  37481 views
russia brings medical teams from karelia to temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia - National Resistance

Ukraine's Ministry of Defense: 534 units of enemy equipment and 5270 personnel destroyed over the week

According to Deputy Defense Minister Pavlyuk, Ukrainian troops eliminated 5,270 enemy soldiers and destroyed 534 pieces of military equipment, including tanks and unmanned aerial vehicles.

War • January 14 2024, 01:24 PM  •  39125 views
Ukraine's Ministry of Defense: 534 units of enemy equipment and 5270 personnel destroyed over the week

Special ambulances to serve defenders and veterans in Odesa region

The NGO Nashi Cheremushky has donated a modern ambulance to the Odesa Veterans Hospital, equipped to help recovering Ukrainian soldiers.

Society • January 14 2024, 01:09 PM  •  38719 views
Special ambulances to serve defenders and veterans in Odesa region