The "Oberig" system: Fitio explains how it will reduce corruption on the part of conscripts and military commissions

The "Oberig" system: Fitio explains how it will reduce corruption on the part of conscripts and military commissions

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 21 2023, 11:38 AM  •  35091 views

According to Volodymyr Fitio, the Oberig system is aimed at combating corruption among conscripts and military personnel; it is not yet fully integrated with other registries.

The "Oberig" system will reduce corruption on the part of recruits and military training centers. This was stated by Volodymyr Fitio, head of the public relations service of the Land Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during a national telethon, UNN reports .


He noted that so far the system is not yet synchronized with other registers. Only after the adoption of the relevant draft law, the TCC will have access to more personal data of Ukrainians and will be able to call men regardless of their place of registration.

This will simplify mobilization. It will reduce corruption risks on both sides. There will be no need to check the certificates that are brought. No resources will be spent on warning measures. There will be all the information about those liable for military service, where they live and where they work,

- said Fitzhugh.


As UNN previously reported , in Zaporizhzhia, the State Bureau of Investigation exposed a schemewhereby the head of the TCC and his accomplices allowed more than 300 men to evade mobilization with the help of forged medical documents, charging 2-3 thousand dollars per person.

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