
US won't send troops to Ukraine, even for non-combat missions - White House spokesman

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The United States will not send troops to Ukraine, even for non-combat missions, the White House national security spokesman says.

There will be no American troops in Ukraine. This was stated by US National Security Spokesman John Kirby during a speech to journalists. His words are quoted by Reuters , UNN reports.

Well, that's a sovereign decision that every NATO ally would have to make for themselves. You heard the (NATO) Secretary General (Jens) Stoltenberg himself say that he had no plans or intentions, particularly under NATO auspices, to send in troops, and President Biden made it clear at the beginning of this conflict that there would be no U.S. troops doing combat on the territory of Ukraine.

- Kirby said.


Kirby also denied that the United States could be involved in a non-combatant war. Kirby said that the only US military personnel currently on the ground are part of the embassy's Defense Attaché's office and "doing important work in terms of helping us to keep Ukraine accountable for weapons and systems that are provided to them.

No. The only U.S. military personnel in Ukraine are associated with the embassy as part of the Defense Attaché's office, and they do an important job in terms of helping us to hold Ukraine accountable for the weapons and systems that are provided to them. 

- John Kirby added.


The day before, a meeting of European leaders took place in Paris, where French President Emmanuel Macron said that Western allies should be prepared for a possible attack by Russia in the coming years and that more efforts are needed to help Ukraine financially and militarily resist the aggressor.  In particular, the idea of providing Ukraine with European soldiers was also mentioned.

NATO allies Germany, Britain, Italy, Spain, Poland, and the Czech Republic issued official statements  distancing themselves from Macron's idea of sending troops.

НАТО не планує відправляти війська в Україну - Столтенберг 27.02.24, 12:39

Later, French Foreign Minister Stéphane Sejourne tried to explain Macron's comments, saying that Paris could send troops to Ukraine for specific needs, but not to participate in a war against Russia.

The Kremlin, meanwhile, said that such a move would make a direct conflict between NATO and Russia "inevitable.


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