
NATO admits that the West was "too optimistic" about the war in Ukraine in 2023

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The Chairman of NATO's Military Committee said that Western countries were too optimistic in 2023 that Ukraine would quickly defeat Russia with the weapons and training provided, and that they should now be careful not to be too pessimistic about Ukraine's chances in 2024.

Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Rob Bauer said that Western countries were "too optimistic" about the course of the war in Ukraine in 2023. This was reported by the Financial Times, UNN


Bauer admitted that the West was "overly optimistic about a war in 2023," believing that "if we give the Ukrainians the ammunition and training they need, they will win." 

Now, he added, "we have to be careful not to be too pessimistic in 2024." 

"The very fact that Ukraine is still a sovereign state and that Ukrainians have recovered 50 percent of what the Russians took in 2022 is remarkable," Bauer said.

According to the newspaper, the Munich Security Conference, which ended on Sunday, was marked by the recognition that Ukraine desperately needs more weapons and ammunition, and that the rhetoric of solidarity should be urgently translated into practice.

During a Ukrainian lunch on the occasion of the Munich Security Conference, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said that Denmark has decided to transfer all its artillery to Ukraine and stated that Europe has air defense systems that should be transferred to Ukraine. 

In his turn, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz , during his speech at the Munich Security Conference, evaded direct answers to the question of why Germany does not provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine with long-range Taurus cruise missiles. 


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