
Macron calls on Europe to reset economic ties with China

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On the eve of his meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized the need for Europe to restore economic ties with China, seeking reciprocity and better economic security.

On the eve of his meeting with the Chinese leader, the French president emphasized that Europe needs to renew economic ties with China. Bloomberg reports, UNN reports.


Macron explained that Europe wants more reciprocity in economic ties with China to better ensure its economic security.

Глава МЗС Китаю назвав ЄС стратегічним партнером КНР01.04.24, 15:20

I call for "aggiornamento" (renewal - ed.), because China now has excess capacity in many areas and is exporting massively to Europe

- Macron emphasized. 

He also emphasized that he was not proposing to distance himself from China.

Whether it is climate or security, we need the Chinese

- The French president is convinced.


French President Emmanuel Macron will pressure China's Xi Jinping during his meeting with him to push Russia to end the war in Ukraine.

Макрон прагне поглибити відносити із Сі Цзіньпіном, апелюючи до нього закликати путіна припинити війну в Україні - Bloomberg30.04.24, 12:11


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