New Lego characters will wear badges with sunflowers, indicating a hidden disability

New Lego characters will wear badges with sunflowers, indicating a hidden disability

Kyiv  •  UNN


Lego has partnered with hidden Disabilities Sunflower to introduce characters with hidden disabilities. The new figurines will wear sunflower badges to raise awareness of invisible health problems.

Characters in Lego constructors wear badges in the form of a sunflower or special laces with the image of a flower, indicating a hidden disability. This is reported by The Guardian, writes UNN.


Lego is now partnering with hidden disorders Sunflower, a company that helps you discreetly reveal your hidden violations. The company's CEO says wearing a sunflower badge is an easy way to share that a person has a hidden disability.

Although the symbol of disability is a wheeled chair, only 7% of people use it. The company's website has an invisible disability index that also takes into account autism, RDUG, dementia, and Parkinson's disease. 

With the addition of "Sunny" characters, the company aims to raise awareness of hidden disabilities. So Lego wants the "brick" world to reflect reality even better. In recent years, characters with different skin tones and different nationalities have been added to the designers. The company also produced toys with amputees, Down syndrome, anxiety and vitiligo.


Lego company released constructors of architectural monuments of Ukraine to raise funds for the restoration of a gymnasium in the Dnipropetrovsk region, which was affected by a Russian missile strike, and the constructors are awarded as prizes for donations starting from 24 US dollars.