
US Congress approves ban on enriched uranium imports from Russia

 • 21887 переглядiв

On Tuesday, May 30, the U.S. Senate voted to pass a law banning the import of enriched uranium from Russia. Bloomberg writes about it, UNN reports .


The document, which was approved unanimously, bans imports of Russian uranium into the United States 90 days after it comes into force, allowing temporary exceptions until January 2028.

The bill was submitted to the White House for the signature of US President Joe Biden. Earlier, Washington had said that it supported efforts to block the Kremlin's supply of reactor fuel.

Галущенко: рф має назавжди зникнути з переліку великих експортерів енергоресурсів09.01.23, 22:42 • [views_520755]

Палата представників США ухвалила законопроект про заборону імпорту російського урану12.12.23, 02:14


According to the Department of Energy , Russia supplied nearly a quarter of the enriched uranium used to fuel the U.S. fleet of more than 90 commercial reactors, making it the first foreign supplier.

These sales bring Moscow an estimated $1 billion a year, and the White House has said that dependence on Russian uranium sources "poses a risk to the U.S. economy.


The G7 energy ministers agreed to work to reduce their countries' dependence on Russian nuclear-related goods, including promoting diversification of the nuclear fuel supply chain free of Russian influence.


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