
Polish Foreign Minister calls on the US to provide weapons to Ukraine

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Poland's foreign minister calls for arming Ukraine and deterring Putin to prevent a larger global conflict.

On February 26, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski spoke at the Atlantic Council, where he asked that the United States continue to support Ukraine. This was stated in his speech at the Atlantic Council think tank, UNN reports .


According to him, only three steps separate us from a safer and more stable world.

First, provide Ukraine with the munitions it urgently needs. Second, invest in our security to create a deterrent so powerful that it will dwarf Putin and his cronies. Third, deepen and broaden our alliances to ensure lasting peace from a position of strength. We must take these steps not to escalate the war in Ukraine, but to prevent an even larger global conflict that is growing closer to our borders,

- Sikorsky emphasized.

Sikorsky noted that the invasion of Ukraine is not a regional quarrel. It is a war with global consequences.

He also believes that if Ukraine is left without help, Putin will realize that he can get away with anything.

Sikorsky predicts that Putin will move much closer to the borders of NATO countries, threatening further military incursions into Europe, "where our children will have to fight him. After all, Putin has openly stated that the Russian border "does not end anywhere.


Biden urges the House of Representatives to pass a bipartisan bill to provide additional aid to Ukraine.


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